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TV Studio Rental Location


TV production standards are increasingly high, and understandably so. In an entertainment market where consumers can easily flip to another channel or provider if they don’t like what they see, it’s become incredibly important to capture and keep viewer interest. One of the surest ways to achieve this is filming at a premium site, such as our TV studio rental location in Los Angeles, CA. Discover details below on what makes our video production studio rental so helpful and suitable.  


Plentiful Space 


Offering 2000 square feet in total, Arts District Daylight Studio is a sizeable and surprisingly versatile studio.



Multiple Lighting Options 


You can achieve virtually any lighting style or angle with the numerous options available here. With windows on the north and west sides, you have copious amounts of direct sunlight, which you can mitigate and diffuse with our shades if need be. Any lighting equipment you bring makes an excellent complement if you need even brighter shots, or are producing light for evening or nighttime work.   


Indoor and Outdoor Backdrops 


Getting your backdrop may be a challenge elsewhere, but with our background and set options, this is a breeze. Tap into any of the additional materials we have available or browse the striking and layered settings just outside our studio grounds. If you need a bridge, different kinds of architecture, back alley, or brick wall to shoot with, all these and more are available near LA Daylight Studio’s address.  


Adjustable Wall and Props 


If you rent our studio space, you’ll be able to take advantage of all of furniture a grip equipment. These props make an excellent feature for scenes where additional surfaces are necessary, or for juxtaposing one element or actor against another.  


Starting to envision your next project at our TV studio rental location in Los Angeles, CA? Capture your next shoot at the same location Spotify, HBO, and Lionsgate Films have used. Check our availability here and start today! 


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